Patricia Washburn

Patricia Washburn
PATIENT ADVOCATE / Global Ambassador
Director of “MEN 2” Program – The CARE Project, Inc
Virtual Caregiver Moderator - AnCan
Omaha, Nebraska, USA
As a wife, mother, grandmother, and great grandmother, I retired in 2014 to enjoy my retirement years with my husband and family. Our plan was to travel and enjoy this beautiful world.
In December of 2016, my husband, Marlyn Washburn, was diagnosed with Stage 4 metastatic breast cancer. It was obvious that many of our family and friends were also unaware that men could get this disease. Since Marlyn had been an educator in the public school system for 41 years of his life, he wanted to bring awareness to others that this could affect men. A personalized Breast Cancer Awareness license plate was purchased for his car reading, “MEN 2”.
Since Marlyn’s cancer had already metastasized throughout his body, surgery was not given as an option. He died just five months after his diagnosis. After his death, I felt I needed to become the educator in the family to spread the message that men can, and do, get breast cancer. I took his car, a 2014 Dodge Dart, to a graphics designer and had a wrap installed. An image of Marlyn is on the hood as well as the statement “Breast Cancer Does NOT Discriminate…MEN TOO” printed on both sides of the car. The car has also been adorned with many ribbons that are both pink and blue, representing that men also get breast cancer. This car has been dubbed the Marlyn Mobile and it has been driven over 100,000 miles since his death. I travel to meet with our men and their loved ones who have heard the words, “You have breast cancer”. It is important to me that they know they are not alone on this journey. Our caregivers, both current and past, also need to know they are not alone.
I have traveled to Belgium and Spain sharing our story and meeting with male survivors and their loved ones. A video of the Marlyn Mobile is currently being shared in Belgium to bring additional awareness in that country.
Most recently I have joined forces with The CARE Project, Inc to start a fund designed to assist our men with breast cancer if they need financial help. This is intended to help with co-pays, utilities, etc. to make their life easier. No wages will be taken out of this fund. All donations into this “MEN 2” fund will be given back to our men.
Mission statement:
My life mission now is to continue reaching out to others to educate and provide awareness to those I encounter. I will continue to bring our men and their families together with others who have also experienced male breast cancer. I will also continue to advocate for our caregivers. As able, I will help our men with their financial concerns to provide them with a more secure life.
Instagram: men2_breast_cancer
Country of origin: United States of America