……..Poetry by PADMA NUNNA
After the Event- Breast Cancer Hub-Young Scientist Cancer Meet, September 14, 2019
- What is a Hub may you ask…
Usually described as the central part of a wheel, rotating on or with the axle, and from which the spokes radiate…
Sun is the hub for our Solar System, rotating around it are many a planet with spokes.
Does that help understand what a hub is? Yes may be, Mom …. I get the definition, but what is it really about?…
Well, let me ask…did you ever feel a hub with spokes?
That’s what 09.14 Science Meet was and the wheel started rotating around an Axle of conviction to spread the message…
Science as the wrapper bringing many young brains with souls consumed by eagerness to learn, share and energy to bring about a healing viral revolution around a word that holds a stigma around the globe….we just removed that stigma in the virtual room.. kicked it out.. The word is Cancer…the prefix can be Breast or any part of human body….the same body that craves a hug…
This Hub is giving a Hug to the word Cancer with the energy of young souls that captured hearts and minds of specialists, oncologists and shedding the stigma…
Can we give a hug to Cancer and feel the energy of this hub? The axle may be Lopa…or should we say it is her passion to let the spokes be formed and turn the wheel…can we get connected to that axle?
Let us continue to turn the wheel and give the word Cancer a hug from this hub…who do you know in your immediate circle that is currently experiencing …not suffering from this word that we don’t want to say…go give them a hug from this hub!
Keep hugging, keep turning the wheel that cannot be stopped as the energy around 165 kids and 165 parents is going to go viral beyond any boundaries that we define….who knows our Sun may be getting a hug from this hub as well! Let’s hug whoever is next to us with that intent of keeping that wheel turning now
Breast Cancer Hub is Honored & Thankful to Padma for her unprecedented creativity, penned thoughts...A Reflection