Breast Cancer Hub (BCH) invited to Annual Career & Vocational Expo at Hough High School, organized by FBLA & U.S. Army JROTC, Feb 28, 2023, Cornelius, NC, USA: Nothing can be more rewarding than when more than 500 High School students stopped by, proudly eager to wear the BCH wristbands, signifying support to Breast & All Cancers in All genders, and how they can advocate and spread the word for early detection and prevention of cancer in their own network.
We are immensely thankful to Ms. Karen Kyei-Fordjour, Kenan Fellow/FBLA Advisor, Jordyn Ross, Hough FBLA, Professional Development Chair, and the team of Future Business Leaders of America (FBLA) and U.S. Army, JROTC, and Hough High School, for inviting BCH, to expose the High school students to leadership opportunities through BCH community outreaches, Internship, and other creative avenues. We gave each student, a BCH brochure with the QR codes to download the early detection cards, leadership programs information, and my contact so that anyone can reach out to me later for guidance. We also handed out a wristband with a combination color of pink representing breast cancer in women, blue representing breast cancer in men, and purple inclusive of all genders and all cancers along with bookmarks & key-rings with the message of togetherness.
100% of BCH services are free of cost, and All donations driven towards our Mission.
With gratitude,
Dr Lopamudra Das Roy , on behal of BCH
Website: https://www.breastcancerhub.org/
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