Debra Bunker and Pam Skillman-2022 President's Volunteer Service Award from Breast Cancer Hub (BCH)

March 4, 2023: It is my immense honor to announce that Ms. Debra Bunker and Ms. Pam Skillman are the proud recipients of 2022 President’s Volunteer Service Award from Breast Cancer Hub (BCH) for their remarkable contributions to BCH, earning the Bronze Medal and the Award Certificate. Pam and Debra contributed their time, and expertise by selflessly stitching knitted chemo hats and mastectomy or lumpectomy comfort pillows with a pocket that allows using the cold or hot pack as part of the healing, also helpful post-treatment, to use in the surgery area, which we gifted to our BCH Cancer Fighters/Thrivers in North Carolina and across the USA, as part of BCH Patient Care Package, a token of our love and care.
Hats off to Debra and Pam for your service to our community and nation.
We are immensely thankful to Ms. Brenda Smith, and We're Sew Creative for your help and support in executing the award ceremony.
100% of BCH services are free of cost, and All donations are driven toward our Mission.
With gratitude,
Dr Lopamudra Das Roy , (Founder & President) Breast Cancer Hub (BCH) & BCH Wings - Cancer Hubs