Lake Norman Empowerment Festival (Praise in the Park)

Breast Cancer Hub (BCH) at Lake Norman Empowerment Festival (Praise in the Park), in support of Ausie & Martin Rivens Scholarship Foundation on September 16, 2023, Cornelius, NC, USA.
On behalf of Breast Cancer Hub (BCH), we are grateful to Ms. Fostoria Pierson (Blue Star Mothers of Charlotte), for introducing the event to me and heartfelt thanks to Ms. Tonya Rivens and the organizing team, for giving us the opportunity to serve our community., We feel blessed to be able to provide Patient Care Package (post breast cancer surgery pillows with a pocket for hot/cold pack to heal the process, chemo port seat belt pillows, and soft chemo hats) to the visitors, who are either undergoing treatment or will give to their family/friends who they know are going through cancer.
We spread the message of Early detection Screening of Cancer, discussing the grassroots diverse missions of BCH, by giving out the brochure with the QR codes to download the Breast Self Exam Cards we generated in 24 languages, and QR code to download early detection cards for other cancers, with my contact information so that any suspicious case can reach out to me later. We also handed out a wristband with a combination color of pink representing breast cancer in women, blue representing breast cancer in men and purple inclusive of all genders and all cancers along with bookmarks with the message of togetherness.
100% of BCH services are free of cost, and All donations driven towards our Mission.
With gratitude,
Dr Lopamudra Das Roy , on behalf of BCH family