MIAO, Arunachal Pradesh

Miao, Arunachal Pradesh: Starting a new project: On 23rd March 2024, during my Miao outreach, I learned about the grassroots healthcare challenges, with the unavailability of Cancer diagnosis and treatment infrastructure and patients being referred to Assam, which becomes very difficult, with the logistics and financial constraints. I am grateful to be able to serve the Miao community through our collaboration with Clean Bordumsa Green Bordumsa (CBGB), Singpho Women Organisation India (SWO) and Arunachal Pradesh Women Welfare Society, Miao Unit (APWWS). This was not possible without the support of Er. Ghanshyam Longkho (Founder & CEO, CBGB). Thank you Julie Zohmangaihi Khanikar, for introducing me to Mr. Ghanshyam, feel blessed to be connected to such a great person. I conducted the workshop for the MIAO community, and with our collaboration, we plan to further continue the cancer awareness campaign, patient treatment guidance, management, and support. I am thankful to the healthcare professionals who attended the workshop and kindly supported our mission. On behalf of Breast Cancer Hub (BCH), post-session, we distributed BCH Brochures with the QR code of Breast Self Exam cards in 24 languages & also QR code of Early detection Cards for other prevalent cancers, to download & share in the network with BCH contact information, so that any suspicious case can reach out to me if need any further treatment guidance, support & counseling. We also gave Breast Self Exam (BSE) card in the Local language, to everyone, to implement, practice BSE and also share vital life-saving information in their network of family and friends, taking charge of Breast health.
A huge shout-out to the Singpho Women Organisation India (SWO) and Arunachal Pradesh Women Welfare Society, Miao Unit (APWWS) for the flawless execution and supporting the life saving cause.
Kind gratitude to Ms. Pinna Muklom Singpho, Secy and Advisor (SWO India; APWWS Miao Unit), Ms. Lili Mossang, Gen. secy APWWS, Miao Unit; Ms.Neetu Singpho, President, APWWS Miao Unit; Ms. Sita Singpho, President, SWO India; Ms. Sumitra Singpho, Gen.Secy. SWO India.
Immensely thankful to the Clean BORDUMSA Green Bordumsa Society team for helping to organize:
Er. Ghanshyam Longkho, Founder & CEO, Nang Neha Pangyok, President & Ambassador, Mr. Ngampan Sumnyan, General Secretary & Spokesperson, Mr. Somwang Lowang, Treasurer cum Member-Healthcare reforms, Ms. Dhaani Gurung, Member- Environmental actions, Mr. Wangjo Hakhun, Member-Education reforms.
We are thankful to the following organizations and personnel who have supported the Breast Cancer Awareness Camp:
Life Care Diagnostic Centre, Bordumsa, Tikhak Homestay, Miao (Ms.Bela Tikhak), Bordumsa Live 24x7 (Mr. Zahnu Sonowal), Singpho Women Organisation, India, Arunachal Pradesh Women Welfare Society, Miao Unit, Dr. RC Das, District Medical Officer, Changlang District, Mr. Ngampan Sumnyan and Mr. Rutli Longkho, Nang Neha Pangyok, Dr. Rankhum Mossang, Wee Wee Dental Clinic, Dr. Gumlat Singpho, Bordumsa CHC, Dr. Khimhun, Miao CHC, BZ Enterprise, Bordumsa, Ms. Pinna Singpho, Secy (SWO), Advisor (APWWS).
Huge thanks to our volunteers: Dr. Rankhum Mossang, Wee-Wee Dental Clinic, Mr. Sankay Chakma (Student), Mr. Chow Chanda Namchoom (Student), Ms. Roshni Dorjee, Ms. Jawon Barik, Nurse Wee-Wee Dental Clinic, Mr. Prince Gupta (Student), Mr. Hari Singh (Student), Mr. Rahul Dorjee (Student), Ms. Jaanmoni Sonowal (Student), Ms. Shaina Das (Student), Ms. Nemcha Lowang (Student), Ms. Ranu Biswas (Student), Ms. Dimple Sonowal (Student).
I am so grateful to Ms.Bela Tikhak, Tikhak Homestay, in Miao for the beautiful accommodation and kindness. No words to express my gratitude to Mr. Ghanashyam for taking care at each step during my Arunachal outreach. Thank you Sandeep Roy for supporting my travel to India.
I sincerely cherish the love and warmth of each and everyone in Bordumsa and Miao till we meet again.
100% of BCH services are Free of Cost and 100% of donations are driven toward our Mission (Donor’s bucket of choice).
With heartfelt gratitude,