Digboi Red cross society (margHerita sub district branch) in collaboration with digboi mahila MAHAvidyalaya, Assam

June 15, 2023:: Thank you, Digboi Red Cross Society (Margherita sub-district Branch) in collaboration with Digboi Mahila Mahavidyalaya, for the initiative and gestures. I was deeply humbled to be invited by Red Cross Society -Mr. Pabitra Borgohain, Secretary, Mr. Pradip Das, Vice-chairman, and the executive members- Mr. Purnananda Konwar, Mr. Dipak Bhattacharjee, Mr. Ajoy Hazarika, Mr. Mridul Choudhury, Mr. Umesh Bora, Ms.Dipa Khound, Mr. Ranju Chetia, Mr. Anjan Das, Ms. Sukhini Duwania, Ms. Niru Bora. The key players of Digboi Mahavidyalaya (Digboi Women’s College) in the Programme were: Mr. Lakhinandan Gogoi, President, Dr. Sanjita Chetia, Principal, Dr. Pankaj Luchan Gogoi, Coordinator, Internal Quality Assurance Cell.
I thank the organizing teams, for the flawless execution and was so touched by the warmth and affection that, will carry the memories with me. Honored to be on the panel with other esteemed guests. I am grateful to Mr. Swapan Sutradhar, Mrs. Mridula Sutradhar, for all your support and Mrs. Rita Das, for being there for me. It was also so kind of Dr. Rishi Das, Mr. Dipak Deb, and Mrs. Aroti Deb, to attend the session and your support.
It was a very fulfilling session and was great interacting with the students and community during the Q&A.
On behalf of Breast Cancer Hub (BCH), post-session, we distributed BCH Brochures with the QR code of Breast Self Exam cards in 24 languages & also QR code of Early detection Cards for other prevalent cancers, to download & share in the network with my contact information, so that any suspected case can reach out to me if need any further guidance, support & counseling & we can navigate in the right direction, help detect & treat early as early detection is the key to saving lives.
100% of BCH services are Free of Cost and All donations driven towards our Mission.
With heartfelt gratitude,
Website: https://www.breastcancerhub.org/
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