Awareness of Breast Cancer and Early Childhood Marriage, organized by Community Hub in collaboration with M.M Balika Vidyaniketan High School

July 05, 2023: So satisfying to teach the enthusiastic girls as they carry the message forward. The Community Hub in collaboration with M.M Balika Vidyaniketan High School organized seminars on Awareness of Breast Cancer and Early Childhood Marriage. Immensely thankful to Saptamita Nath, for supporting the cause of Cancer and sincerely appreciate for inviting me! Hats off to your great gestures! I was also delighted to meet the adorable students who participated with due diligence and also mesmerized everyone with their great performances.
On the day of the community Hub inauguration program of Ambicapatty cluster, an awareness camp was organized by the Coordinator Saptamita Nath with the collaboration of HM Sharmila Choudhary and ATs of M.M Balika HS, center school of Ambicapatty cluster. It was a flawlessly executed event, so touched with love and affection from each of you. It was my honor to speak about the Early detection and prevention of Breast Cancer and share the platform with Dr. Jayasree Dey, Assistant Professor, Social Work Dept, AUS, who spoke on Early girl-child marriage prevention.
Honored to meet the other dignitaries, Dr Bidyut Deb Chowdhury, Reasonal secretary SEBA, DPO CM SSA, Shaktipodo Bhattacharjee, SMDC president of M.M Balika HS., Sharmila Choudhary, HM, Chairperson of Community Hub, Saptamita Nath CRCC, Member secretary of Community Hub, HOIs, and ATs of different schools under Ambicapatty and DBTR cluster. Thankful to the Guardians, Mothers Group, Chefs, and the organizing team who helped at the event.
On behalf of Breast Cancer Hub (BCH), post-session, we distributed BCH Brochures with the QR code of Breast Self Exam cards in 24 languages & also QR code of Early detection Cards for other prevalent cancers, to download & share in the network with my contact information, so that any suspicious case can reach out to me if need any further guidance, support & counseling & we can navigate in the right direction, help detect & treat early as early detection is the key to saving lives. In addition to explaining, I also demonstrated through the prototype breast model and made the audience examine the model so that it becomes easier to identify lumps while they perform their own Breast self-exam.
100% of Breast Cancer Hub (BCH) services are Free of Cost and All donations driven towards our Mission.
With heartfelt gratitude,