Jayanti Shankar’s video, narrating her journey with Breast Cancer
Jayanti Shankar's Journey in her own words...
It was July 17th, 2021. I was 40 years old. My son was 11 and we were having plannings to celebrate my son’s s birthday on September 3rd. I was healthy when I felt a lump in my left breast and was not having any side effects.
Cancer was not a thing in my family, outside an aunt’s diagnosis several years earlier. I figured it had to be a cyst or related to my cycle. No way could it be cancer.
After multiple imaging, biopsies, and doctors’ visits, I learned that I was now living with metastatic invasive ductal carcinoma. Breast cancer......
I was shocked. My world suddenly shifted. Now my entire life revolved around doctor’s appointments, surgeries, infusions, and medications. A once-healthy girl who never even had a cavity was now entering a world of complete unknown.....
I learned so much along the way.....
After living with this disease for 8 months, still never knowing how much time I have left, I’ve discovered a lot about myself and my priorities. Here are 3 mantras I’ve learned to live by to help guide me through each day.
1) I’m also important (prioritized yourself)
2) life is unpredictable .... better enjoy every moment
3) gratitude towards God and family and friends who are walking along with me in this journey...
It's really a tough and painful journey but worth fighting for your loved ones...
By Jayanti Shankar
A big thank you to Jayanti Shankar for sharing her inspiring story with us..
Dr Lopamudra Das Roy, on behalf of our Breast Cancer Hub family